Membership Application


Please select your membership level from the options below and complete the application form.

BOMA Office and Board reserve the right to determine which type of membership an organization or individual is eligible to obtain.

Please note that EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) is our preferred payment method for membership fees. To choose this option, select "Invoice Me" under Billing Details.

Select An Option

Companies and organizations that own or manage 150,000 square feet or more of properties.

Companies and organizations that provide services or products to Principal Members.

Companies and organizations that own or manage under 150,000 square feet of properties.

Companies and organizations that provide services or products to Principal Members and operate primarily 100km or more outside of Edmonton.

Companies and organizations that own or manage properties and operate primarily 100km or more outside of Edmonton.

Companies and organizations with a social mandate that own or manage properties.

Companies and organizations with a social mandate that provide services or products to Principal Members.

A person of any age not employed by a current member interested in careers and professional development in the industry.

A person of any age who is enrolled in any educational program.

Enter Contact Information
Please select a valid membership option and fee item if exist
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