Companies that own or manage 150,000 square feet or more of commercial real estate.Principal Membership (150,000 Sq Ft or Over) cost is $1,525.00 + GST Annually
Allied Members provide services or products to Principal Members.Allied Membership cost is $1,200.00 + GST Annually
Companies that own or manage under 150,000 square feet of commercial real estate.Principal Membership (Under 150,000 Sq Ft) cost is $1,200.00 + GST Annually
Registered non-profits.Non-Profit Affiliate Membership cost is $625.00 + GST Annually
Students enrolled in a BOMI or other recognized real estate course but not employed by a company that is presently a member or eligible to become a BOMA member. Student will receive full benefit of discounts on luncheons and breakfasts. Student will have no vote or International affiliation and is unable to hold office. Student Membership is Free.